Review and Using Khan Academy Tools

I’m so inspired about a new tool to enhance math education. A friend sent me the link to a TED talk (embedded at the bottom of this post) showing the evolution of the Khan Academy into something truly useful for – well, for just about anybody. I had come across the Khan videos some time […]

Pi Day Pie and Baking Math

And now for something completely different! When I am not exploring math education or writing fiction, I love to make things. This includes everything from cooking to needle felting to making jewelry. So when opened their Pi Day pie contest, I had to enter. Creating my entry required a great deal of calculation, from […]

Pi Day Activities!

Yesterday was March 14, or 3/14, or Pi Day. It’s a great day to celebrate the circle, and that most extraordinary number, pi. With my second grade math club, I did several activities on my new teacher download, Pi Day Activities. These included cutting a circle, measuring a circle, and eating pie. We didn’t have […]

What Makes a Good Tutor?

I recently watched a video of a teacher helping a student master tens and ones using ten frames and unifix cubes. While the video showed some of the ways Singapore Math teaches number sense well, a few things about the teaching style struck me. These are pertinent to tutoring because it was a one-on-one situation. One […]

Delaware School District Succeeds Using Singapore Math

A Delaware school district has successfully implemented Singapore Math, raising enjoyment, understanding, and test scores. This article describes their success. Here is one example: Mount Pleasant Elementary Principal Joyce Skrobot did not need to be convinced to add Singapore math to the curriculum. Her school piloted the program over the past four years in some […]

Math Joke #5

If you’re going to tell triangle jokes, you should do them in threes, right? So here’s the third one, also original: Q: Which triangles are the best conversationalists? A: The acute ones. The others are either too obtuse or always right. (That one got a laugh today!)

Math Jokes #3 and #4

I came across this joke tonight in a blog comment. Q: What did the triangle say to the circle? A: Your life seems so pointless. And a bonus original joke that I just made up: Q: Which triangles are the most likely to get the point? A: The acute ones. The others ones are just […]

Common Core State Standards and Singapore Math

In August 2010, produced a report comparing the Common Core State Standards with the Singapore Math syllabus. I found the report interesting, as it showed that there are many similarities between these standards and Singapore’s syllabus, though in some ways, the CCSS document is clearer in its expectations. Also, Singapore uses the British system […]

Why Long Division Makes No Sense

One of my favorite humor bloggers is Allie Brosh, author of Hyperbole and a Half. I’ve been catching up on reading her posts lately, and this one caught my eye tonight: Hyperbole and a Half: Long Division Isn't Real. (If you visit the link, just be forewarned that she uses the f-word once in her […]