Susan Midlarsky

author • consultant • tutor | inspiring excellence

What Kids Learn in Math Class that You Never Learned: Elementary

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Are you struggling with some of the “new” approaches being taught now to math students? Are you a parent, or a teacher who struggles with teaching math, or an interested adult who wants to understand more about why these new approaches are being used?

This course addresses many of the foundational areas of math in the early elementary grades, from the concept of equivalence to using the distributive property in multiplying larger numbers. If you aren’t sure what the point of some of the strategies are, or your child says, “That’s not how my teacher said to do it,” or why certain strategies are taught when, this course is for you. 

The course, Basic Concepts, covers:

  • Number sense and how to help it develop

  • The relationships of numbers to each other 

  • The relationships of mathematical operations to each other

  • The concept of equivalence and how it’s taught to young children

  • Mental addition and subtraction strategies

  • Viral Common Core memes, and what we can learn from the math behind them

  • Connections between addition and multiplication, and subtraction and division

  • Different models for multiplying and dividing

  • Mental math tips for multiplying and dividing

  • Strategies for making even the hardest word problems easier to solve

Lessons are delivered in an easy-to-follow video format, with accompanying downloadable documents where they are useful, and for additional practice with the strategies. Answer keys are provided for problem sets too. Periodic quizzes help make sure you are on the right track.

You even get bonus activities to do at home with your children, and useful printed tips for making your own mental math easier!

This course can be used as a basic introduction for teachers, but it is not meant for in-depth professional development.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand & practice strategies in elementary/middle school math.
  • Learn strategies that were not taught in mainstream US education prior to the 2010s.
  • Understand the thinking behind newer ways of learning math.
  • Reflect upon attitudes about math and how to develop growth mindset.

Course Content

Course Overview
What will this course include? What qualifications does Susan Midlarsky have? Find out here.

  • Course Overview

Reflective Exercise
Understand what may be in the way of helping children succeed in math.

Early Math Foundations
Learn about how early understandings of numbers and quantities can be developed to form the foundation of manipulating larger numbers later, and how number sense is formed. Suggested activities and resources are provided.

Concepts of Equivalence
Learn about how comparison and equivalence are necessary to a strong foundation that will enable addition, subtraction, and equation abilities.

Word Problems
Word or story problems provide a context for real-life problem solving. Learn about how these can be approached and mastered at an early level.

Mental Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Part 1
How do some people add and subtract in their heads so quickly, while others have to go step-by-step through the algorithm or pull out a calculator? Find out some strategies students are taught to add and subtract mentally in Part 1 of this lesson.

Mental Addition and Subtraction Strategies: Part 2
How do some people add and subtract in their heads so quickly, while others have to go step-by-step through the algorithm or pull out a calculator? Find out some more strategies students are taught to add and subtract mentally in Part 2 of this lesson.

Those Pesky Common Core/”New Math” Memes Explained
You know those viral memes that point out how ridiculous Common Core/"New math" is? Learn what they are really about and why they are not ridiculous after all. We don't know what we don't know!

Relationships Between Multiplication & Addition and Division & Subtraction
How does multiplication relate to addition, and subtraction relate to division? Understand these relationships opens up additional strategies and conceptual thinking.

Relationships Between Addition & Subtraction and Multiplication & Division
How can understanding the relationships between these operations help us understand how numbers work and how to work with numbers? Learn some basics here, as well as visual models to support understanding.

Area Models and Multiplication
What's the connection between multiplication and area of a rectangle? And how can that make multi-digit multiplication easier? Find out here.

Bar Models and Tape Diagrams
Learn more in-depth strategies for visualizing and solving multiplication and division word problems.

Tips for Finding Multiples and Factors, 1 through 7
Tips that anyone can use for making mental multiplication and division easier, covering factors 1 through 7.

Tips for Finding Multiples and Factors, 8 through 12
Tips that anyone can use for making mental multiplication and division easier, covering factors 8 through 12.

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