Susan Midlarsky

author • consultant • tutor | inspiring excellence

Descriptive Writing Exercise

As National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) approaches, many people gear up for an enormous leap into creative writing. November has been one of my favorite months of the year for this reason, now for almost a decade, as my tenth year of participating in this program approaches. One of the areas young (and other) writers […]

Fun With Blocks: Foundational Geometry

In the course of my teaching and tutoring experience, I’ve come across the fact that Americans often fall short of others in geometry1,2. Besides the fact of test scores, I see that in how difficult it is for bright high school students I tutor to grasp certain spatial concepts. In fact, I was recently tutoring […]

Story Board Game

Nearly all writers have experienced writer’s block. There are many ways to overcome it, including by using a variety of prompts. I have used Rory’s Story Cubes, which the students and I love, writing kits, and more. Today an idea came to me to make a board game with writing prompts. My students have had […]

Make Easy, Low-cost Math Journals

Like many teachers, I am always looking for ways to economize while giving my students the highest-quality educational experience possible. Math journals are part of this experience in my classes. Rather than buying commercial journals, though, I make my own quickly and inexpensively. If you’d like to learn how to do the same, please visit […]

"Fight at Bed": Fourth Grade Guest Blogger

While I work on a lengthy blog post with a book review, here is a poem from one of my young writing students. His name is Peter (Engish name), and he is a fourth grade non-native English speaker. He and his brother were born in South Korea and lived for two years in Japan before […]

New Presentations for the Fall

As the fall gets into high gear, I will be getting on the road again. If you’re in New York, try to attend NYSCATE this year and register for my session on Singapore Math on Sunday, November 20. If you can come on Saturday, I will be giving a three-hour workshop on NaNoWriMo in the […]

Review: Number Bonds Software for Singapore Math

Crystal Springs Books recently produced a new software program for number bonds practice. This concept is foundational to Singapore Math. Number bonds can be used for everything from addition and subtraction to understanding fractions, and Singapore Math makes great use of them in its teaching. The software, intended for grades K-2, is a simple Flash-based […]

Writing How-To Essays & Site Updates

One of my pursuits this summer, when I wasn’t as active on this blog, was writing step-by-step articles on Projects included everything from a camp shower enclosure to a 35-cent book weight. This type of writing, the how-to essay, is great for students to practice order words (first, next, then, finally), as well as […]

NCTM Illuminations 2011

This summer I gave a three-hour workshop on Singapore Math model drawing at the NCTM Illuminations Institute in Reston, VA. This was a fun workshop with a great group of people, and we accomplished a lot of model drawing practice and understanding. I was pleased to see recently that the workshop received a couple of […]