• Homeschool - Math Education - Middle school - Printables - Singapore Math - Teaching - Videos

    Pi Day: Pi Music and Classroom Activities

    With March (and spring!) right around the corner, many teachers are already thinking about celebrating Pi Day, or March 14. This is a great day to celebrate how much fun math can be. I was inspired all over again by this music video using Pi to make music.   If you would like to make Pi Day fun for your students, there are lots of fun ideas in this lesson plan, available from Teachers Pay Teachers for $1.99. I also offer a free downloadable Pi Poster showing almost 1,500 digits of pi. My students always love these. Enjoy!

  • Math Education - Printables - Singapore Math

    Free Printable: Money Pinch Strips

    How is it possible to assess a whole classroom in a moment? One great tool for this is pinch strips. To use these, the children are asked a question, for example, “How much is $1 minus 95¢?” The children then pinch the strips on the segment showing the correct answer – in this case, the nickel – and all hold them up to show the teacher. I prepared these pinch strips for lessons on money, and then I realized other teachers would probably find them useful, so here they are. These get printed on card stock and can be folded…