New and Updated Resources

Imagine my delight to receive an email through my website from a tutor who is using my Resources page with her student in their enrichment work. She shared a website with other resources that James wanted to share with me for my page. I love this so much! At the same time, I feel a […]

Websites and Apps from NYSCATE 2013 Presentation

Here is a list of websites and apps demonstrated during my session at NYSCATE 2013. where you can download the full curriculum modules for free. access Eureka, the interface for the full math curriculum modules. Number Pieces (Free): Virtual Base 10 blocks and whiteboard AL Abacus ($1.99): Virtual abacus, sometimes called a Rekenrek […]

Let’s Write a Comic!

Would you like a fun summer writing project to do with your child? Why not create a comic? Comics and graphic novels are legitimate forms of art and writing, and for visual people, they can be more accessible or relatable. And they require thought and good design to be interesting. This spring, a girl I’ve […]