Susan Midlarsky

author • consultant • tutor | inspiring excellence

Video: Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Fractions

I came across this video from a Singapore tutor in my browsing today. It explains how to simplify an algebraic fraction problem. Interestingly, I solved a similar problem with my one of my algebra students last week. I like how this blogger breaks the steps down, but I would like her to explain more why […]

Free Number Bond Cards and Thoughts About Equations

For some people and classrooms, it just isn’t feasible to purchase high-quality number bond flash cards like you can obtain through Crystal Springs Books. I came across a site where you can download your own, print them and cut them out. These are addition and subtraction cards appropriate for grades K-3. You can download them […]

Pluses and Minuses of Singapore Math

This homeschooling website has an article about Singapore Math that is short but informative. It tells a brief history of Singapore Math in the US, then goes into why it may or may not be the best choice for a homeschooling curriculum. Here is an extract from the article: The curriculum uses a true spiral […]

Constructivism vs. Singapore Math

I’ve been reading blog posts about math like this one, in which a common theme is that we need to return to “basic” or “regular” math skills and dispense with the constructivist programs that were so popular in the last decade or two. I’ve read about people who are frustrated with the idea that children […]

Report: Singapore Math Works

There is an interesting website devoted to reforming math education in Utah; it is On it, among other text and video content, there are links to reports about a longitudinal study in a Massachusetts school district showing the improvement in test scores over the long term when the district adopted Singapore Math. The evidence […]

Video: Singapore Math Training for Parents

If you are a parent who is interested in how Singapore Math works, but you don’t have time to attend a training session or do a lot of reading about it, here is a resource for you. This school recorded a session in which their parents were taught how this program works and how to […]

Yet Another Private School Adopts Singapore Math

It’s a measure of what a difficult situation our US schools are in when the math program a school adopts makes the news. But that is exactly what is happening often now that our nation is recognizing how far behind we have fallen in math and science. This article outlines the reasons this Chester, PA […]

Dyscalculia and Teaching Math

Imagine trying to pay for a doughnut and not knowing if a $10 bill is enough. Imagine not knowing which is more, 5 or 4. Imagine never having a sense of time, so you are always early or late for things. Or someone gives you an hour to complete a task, and you have no […]