• Common Core - Common Core State Standards - dyscalculia - Fractions - Homeschool - Math Education - Middle school - Multiple Intelligences - Professional Development - Special Needs - Tutoring

    Fraction Jacks! Or if you’re British, Fraction Stars.

    A common problem educators face is to make fractions fun and intuitive, especially if their own education was lacking in this respect. One activity I developed that helps with this, and can be done with children of a variety of ages, is Fraction Jacks. What are fraction jacks? They are not the game with the bouncing ball and the funny-shaped pieces, though I’m sure something great could be developed with those. Instead, they are a physical activity that uses kinesthetic intelligence and mind-body connections to understand fractions. Here is how to do them. If you or your students have figured…

  • dyscalculia - Math Education - Reviews - Videos

    Book Review: The Absolute Value of Mike (and Dyscalculia)

    When I saw this book at the library, I was drawn directly to it. Why? For one thing, my post on dyscalculia and teaching math is one of my most popular posts ever. For another, I am always seeking good children’s books with mathematics themes to enhance my teaching or recommend to students. Finally, given that the theme of dyscalculia is such a hot topic, I thought I might be able to learn more about it, as I have done with books about people on the autistic spectrum, such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. So…

  • dyscalculia - Math Education - Special Needs

    Dyscalculia and Teaching Math

    Imagine trying to pay for a doughnut and not knowing if a $10 bill is enough. Imagine not knowing which is more, 5 or 4. Imagine never having a sense of time, so you are always early or late for things. Or someone gives you an hour to complete a task, and you have no idea how long that is or how to pace yourself. Imagine never being able to retain the difference between left and right. Imagine being in high school and understanding the concepts of algebra, but being unable to do basic addition and subtraction, let alone the…