Here is a list of websites and apps demonstrated during my session at NYSCATE 2013. where you can download the full curriculum modules for free. access Eureka, the interface for the full math curriculum modules. Number Pieces (Free): Virtual Base 10 blocks and whiteboard AL Abacus ($1.99): Virtual abacus, sometimes called a Rekenrek 10 Frame Fill (Free): Basic ten-frame game/app. Virtual Manipulatives! (Free): Fraction, decimal and percentage tiles Teaching Table ($2.99): Smartboard-like manipulatives and interactivity for math presentations Number Bonds: Addition & Subtraction to 99 ($1.99): Number bonds app for composing and decomposing numbers Bugsy Kindergarten Math ($2.99):…
It’s been a while since my last post on iPad apps, and in the meantime a lot has happened. For one thing, I have downloaded and tried quite a number of math apps. I’m going to start a round-up of some of the most useful apps as I have time. First up: exciting news! The Number Bond software, that I lamented being only on Mac or PC for so long, is now ported to iOS. As far as I can tell, having downloaded only the addition/subtraction version, it’s pretty much exactly the same as the computer version. This has its…